Professor & Chairman department of rheumatology
Prof dr T.W.J. Huizinga
Area(s) of expertise:
I did my training in Medicine and PhD at the University of Amsterdam. The title of my dissertation (1989, cum laaude) is "Neutrophil Fc-gamma receptors. I then did research at Dartmouth Medical School, New Hampshire, USA and specialized as a rheumatologist in Leiden. In 2000, I was appointed Professor of Rheumatology at Leiden University Medical Center. The title of my oration is Experimental Rheumatology.
Scientific research
Rheumatology studies musculoskeletal diseases in which normal functioning is impaired by inflammation of the joints. My interest lies mainly in understanding the pathogenesis which improves the recognition and treatment of patients.My most direct involvement is in the diseases Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
My research falls within the theme of Immunology
My research falls within the theme of Immunology