Professor Complementbiology and therapy
Prof.Dr. L.A. (Leendert) Trouw
Area(s) of expertise:
Complementbiology and therapy
Complementbiology and therapy
Within the LUMC I am employed as a professor focused on complement biology and therapy. With my team we do fundamental, translational and clinically oriented research on complement and (auto)antibodies. In addition I provide Immunology teaching for Biomedical Sciences and Medicine and serve as the year coordinator for Biomedical Sciences year 2. After studying Biology at Leiden University, I did my PhD training on the role of anti-Complement autoantibodies in Lupus Nephritis, at the department of Nephrology in the LUMC. After a three year post-doc training in Sweden where I worked on the role of complement in autoimmunity, I took on a position as a researcher at the Rheumatology department of the LUMC. Here I could establish a team and develop towards assistant and associate professor. Next I moved my team to the department of Immunology to continue our work on complement and antibodies now in the wider context of multiple diseases. Now, as a full professor, I have my own research group and we collaborate actively with many teams inside and outside the LUMC.
Scientific research
My research is focused on the role of complement and (auto)antibodies in immunopathology and in therapy. To facilitate the research I have obtained funding from many different sources including several personal grants, such as the VENI, VIDI en ERC-consolidator grants. The research that we do is focused on autoimmunity, infection and cancer. We study biomarkers, immunopathological processes and experimental therapies. Our research is an integral part of the theme Immunity and is also relevant for the themes Infection and Cancer.