Professor of clinical epidemiology, deputy department head
Prof. Dr. R.H.H. (Rolf) Groenwold, MD, PhD
Area(s) of expertise:
Prof. Rosendaal studied medicine in Rotterdam, and obtained his PhD in Leiden (1989), with a thesis on haemophilia, and was appointed professor in 1997. His research is mainly focused on causes of cardiovascular disorders. He initiated several epidemiological studies, such as LETS and MEGA, that led to the discovery of a large number of causes of thrombosis, such as Factor V Leiden. An important long-standing research line is on the safety of hormonal drugs, notably oral contraceptive drugs, with regard to venous thrombosis. He developed models to understand how thrombosis occurs as a multicausal disorder, and to evaluate the quality of oral anticoagulant treatment. He takes part in large international consortia that search for genetic causes of several frequent disorders. He is initiator of the NEO-study (Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity) in which 6700 individuals with overweight have been extensively examined and are followed through time. He is co-chair of the Committee on Scientific Integrity of LUMC and Leiden University.