Associate professor
Dr ir R. (Renée) de Mutsert
Area(s) of expertise:
Obesity epidemiology
Obesity epidemiology
Renée de Mutsert, PhD is Associate Professor at the department of Clinical Epidemiology of the LUMC. She has a background in ‘Nutrition and Health’ (MSc Wageningen University, the Netherlands) and a PhD in Clinical Epidemiology (LUMC, the Netherlands). Currently, she leads the Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity (NEO) study, a large prospective cohort study to unravel underlying mechanisms of obesity-related diseases. In addition, she teaches epidemiology to (bio)medical students. With the NEO study she investigates causes and consequences of obesity at the population level. The main focus of her research is the role of dietary intake, physical activity, and sex hormones in body fat distribution and the development of cardiometabolic diseases. She is particularly interested in the causes and consequences of visceral fat and liver fat accumulation.
Scientific research
Themes: Prevention and Lifestyle, Lifecourse, Cardio-Vascular
Research areas:
• Obesity epidemiology
• Lifestyle and cardiometabolic diseases
• Nutritional epidemiology
• Sex differences
• Body fat distribution
• Visceral adipose tissue
Dr. de Mutsert currently co-leads the Netherlands-Canada Type 2 Diabetes Research Consortium: ‘Restoring 24-hour substrate rhythmicity to improve glycemic control by timing of lifestyle factors’ as WP leader Population studies and collaborates with Dutch and Canadian researchers on the timing of lifestyle factors to prevent type 2 diabetes (PIs Prof. A. Carpentier, Prof. P. Schrauwen, funded by the Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation, ZonMw, Health-Holland).
Research areas:
• Obesity epidemiology
• Lifestyle and cardiometabolic diseases
• Nutritional epidemiology
• Sex differences
• Body fat distribution
• Visceral adipose tissue
Dr. de Mutsert currently co-leads the Netherlands-Canada Type 2 Diabetes Research Consortium: ‘Restoring 24-hour substrate rhythmicity to improve glycemic control by timing of lifestyle factors’ as WP leader Population studies and collaborates with Dutch and Canadian researchers on the timing of lifestyle factors to prevent type 2 diabetes (PIs Prof. A. Carpentier, Prof. P. Schrauwen, funded by the Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation, ZonMw, Health-Holland).