Professor Reumatologie, Reumatoloog
Prof.dr. G. (Margreet) Kloppenburg
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Professor Margreet Kloppenburg is heading the Osteoarthritis Research Group of the Rheumatology Department of the LUMC. She is appointed at the department of Rheumatology and Clinical Epidemiology, LUMC, where she works as a rheumatologist and epidemiologist since 2000. She is Educator of Rheumatology since 2017. From 2011 to 2016 she served a member of the Medical Ethical Committee of the LUMC. Professor Kloppenburg serves as President of the Dutch Society of Rheumatology since 2020. She is a member of the Council of the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology since 2021 (since 2024 as Chair of the Advocacy Committee), and was a member of the Board of Directors of the OsteoArthritis Research Society International from 2017 until 2022. She serves a member of the advisory board of Nature Reviews Rheumatology and the editorial board of the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
Wetenschappelijk onderzoek
Professor Kloppenburg initiated osteoarthritis research, focusing on the causal role of systemic factors in osteoarthritis and on methodology to evaluate its course, with the ultimate goal to develop new treatments. She has special attention for hand osteoarthritis. As principal investigator she set up several cohorts and initiated several randomized placebo-controlled trials. She has published over 350 peer-reviewed papers in the national and international literature.
She graduated at the Medical School of the University of Groningen in 1991 (cum laude) and obtained her PhD-degree on the thesis "The tetracycline derivative minocycline as treatment for rheumatoid arthritis" at the University of Leiden in 1996. Since 2012 she is appointed Full Professor of Rheumatology at the LUMC with special interest for “Aetiology and Clinimetrics of Osteoarthritis”. She was awarded the Marie-Parijs Prize (2009), International Elise Jourdevant Prize (2019) and OARSI Clinical Research Award ( (2024).
She graduated at the Medical School of the University of Groningen in 1991 (cum laude) and obtained her PhD-degree on the thesis "The tetracycline derivative minocycline as treatment for rheumatoid arthritis" at the University of Leiden in 1996. Since 2012 she is appointed Full Professor of Rheumatology at the LUMC with special interest for “Aetiology and Clinimetrics of Osteoarthritis”. She was awarded the Marie-Parijs Prize (2009), International Elise Jourdevant Prize (2019) and OARSI Clinical Research Award ( (2024).