P.P. (Prerak) Mody
Bayesian Deep Learning, Interactive Segmentation, Image Registration, Transformers for Medical Image Segmentation
Bayesian Deep Learning, Interactive Segmentation, Image Registration, Transformers for Medical Image Segmentation
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Prerak Mody is pursuing his PhD on “Human-AI Interaction for Contour Propagation in an Adaptive Radiotherapy Context”. Using machine learning methods, he is exploring how one can improve the quality and speed of image registration between a planning and repeat CT for organs at risk (OAR). The core contribution of this research shall be bayesian deep learning and interactive techniques that shall manifest into an interface on 3D Slicer where radiotherapy experts can improve the incorrect predictions of a machine learning model. This interface shall utilize principles from machine learning, computer graphics for medical visualization and user interface design techniques. His publications can be found below.
Prerak Mody obtained his MSc in Computer Science from TU Delft, Netherlands in 2020 and his B.Tech from Vellore Institute of Technology, India. He keeps a keen interest in geopolitics and fiddles with tunes on the ukulele.
He also organizes the LUMC AI Research meetups. Past and future events can be found below.
Prerak Mody obtained his MSc in Computer Science from TU Delft, Netherlands in 2020 and his B.Tech from Vellore Institute of Technology, India. He keeps a keen interest in geopolitics and fiddles with tunes on the ukulele.
He also organizes the LUMC AI Research meetups. Past and future events can be found below.