Senior researcher
C. (Camila) Caram Deelder, PhD
Clinical transfusion research, Excess mortality (covid-19), Data management in clinical research
Clinical transfusion research, Excess mortality (covid-19), Data management in clinical research
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Camila Caram Deelder is senior research in the department of Clinical Epidemiology.
Camila has a BSc Statistics, master in Public Health, emphasis Epidemiology and a PhD. in Epidemiology.
After finish her PhD in 2017, Camila worked as data manager and data steward at the Jon J van Rood Center for Clinical Transfusion Research, CCTR/Sanquin/LUMC. From 2023, after the discontinuation of the CCTR, she joined the Clinical Epidemilogy department where she continued collaborating with Profs. Anske van der Bom and Frits Rosendaal in their lines of research.
The main focus of her work is epidemiology (analysis and methods), statistical analysis, database development, data management and optimization in clinical research.
Besides performing research and PhD supervision, Camila coordinates, together with Prof. Rolf Groenwold, the AWV-2 course (Academische en Wetenschappelijke Vorming, 2nd year medicine).
Camila has a BSc Statistics, master in Public Health, emphasis Epidemiology and a PhD. in Epidemiology.
After finish her PhD in 2017, Camila worked as data manager and data steward at the Jon J van Rood Center for Clinical Transfusion Research, CCTR/Sanquin/LUMC. From 2023, after the discontinuation of the CCTR, she joined the Clinical Epidemilogy department where she continued collaborating with Profs. Anske van der Bom and Frits Rosendaal in their lines of research.
The main focus of her work is epidemiology (analysis and methods), statistical analysis, database development, data management and optimization in clinical research.
Besides performing research and PhD supervision, Camila coordinates, together with Prof. Rolf Groenwold, the AWV-2 course (Academische en Wetenschappelijke Vorming, 2nd year medicine).