Assistant professor
B. (Bob) Siegerink, PhD
Cardiovascular epidemiology, Quality and integrity of research
Cardiovascular epidemiology, Quality and integrity of research
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Bob Siegerink (1983) is an epidemiologist with a broad interest regarding of the mechanisms at play in the scientific enterprise. He is currently working at the Leiden University Medical Center, where he leads the program “Quality and Integrity of biomedical research”. This program combines Bob’s interest in methodology, quality of science, meta research and scientific (mis)conduct. Together with colleagues at the department of clinical epidemiology and the directorate of research policy, this program aims to improve the quality and integrity at the local, national and international levels through a combination of policy development, research and methods evaluation and development. Additionally, Bob is coordinator of the LUMC Graduate School and active in cardiovascular research projects with a focus on thrombosis and neurovascular diseases, and more recently, COVID-19 research.