Advanced Epidemiological Methods Course

Every year the department of Clinical Epidemiology organizes a 4 day-course "Advanced Epidemiological Methods"

Course information

The first upcoming edition of the 4-day course "Advanced Epidemiological Methods" will be held from Tuesday November 18 – Friday November 21, 2025. The course will take place in Fletcher Wellness-Hotel, Leiden, The Netherlands.

The course, which is taught in English, provides an overview of recent methodological developments in epidemiological research. Methods to correct for confounding will be discussed, including propensity scores, inverse probability weighting, and instrumental variable analysis. We also look at graphical methods to illustrate causal relations through Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs). These DAGs are then used to understand other topics that will be discussed during the course including causality, mediation analysis, and estimating the effects of time-dependent variables. Recent developments in target trial emulation and estimands are discussed, Methods to handling measurement error and missing data are taught and practised, Also, recent developments in infectious disease epidemiology are reviewed.

The target audience of the course are PhD students in training for epidemiologist, epidemiologists who want to gain knowledge on modern epidemiological methods, and other researchers who are involved in the design and analysis of epidemiological scientific research.


Prof.dr. S. le Cessie, Prof.dr. O.M Dekkers, Prof.dr. R.H.H. Groenwold

Course fee

The course fee for 2025 is €950,- incl. lunch and dinner. Hotel accommodation is not included in the course fee. Information on arranging hotel accommodation will be provided to all selected course participants, after the selection procedure has been completed.


The registration for the 2025 course will start on Tuesday April 1. Registration deadline: Friday June 20.

Because of the intensive nature of the course only a limited number of participants can be admitted to the course. A selection procedure will be part of the registration process. You will be informed of the outcome of the selection procedure at the latest 2 weeks after the registration deadline.

Course coordinator
